What are the best selling loose tea in restaurants

What are the best selling loose tea for restaurants in Dallas, Texas? A question that most business owner in Dallas, Texas cracking their head off and almost never have right answer for it.

The specific best-selling teas may vary depending on the restaurant's clientele, location, and overall tea philosophy. Some restaurants may also offer unique blends or specialty teas that are particularly popular. Besides that, of course the promotion is another main reasons why a tea isn't sale well. From advertising through social media to in-store promotion, every steps can affect the sale. For example, when servers mention Vanilla Earl Grey to every single customer throughout the year over and over again, do you think it will not sell? Of course, it will. 

Check this out: For average restaurant based on 100 customer serving per day:

100 x 30 days = 3000

3000 x 365 days a year = 1,095,000.00 times of words on average words of mouth to mouth advertising. 

If only 2% of customer purchase a cup of Vanilla Earl Grey either iced tea or hot tea, how many cups sold? The answer is 21,900 cups sold each year, that's average  of 1825 cups per month. If each cup is sold for only $5.00 which is way below average cost of most beverage nowadays, that's total of $1,095,00.00 sells just for the Vanilla Earl Grey tea itself.  Do you think the restaurants make profit on this tea? The answer is of course yes, they do.

To learn more, please contact us at 972-886-8970 today. T7 TEA offer tea tasting, tea sampling, tea education and more for you and your business needs. You don't need to be tea master to serve tea in your business.

Happy Tea Sipping!